Somerset Levels Monitoring
Meteor have setup an integrated web network solution to monitor the continued impact of the pumping operations on the Somerset Levels.
This receives data not only from Meteor units, but also from other manufacturers existing telemetry outstations. This enables a complete system overview encompassing real time Water Quality data alongside Water Level and Pump Status information. Presented in a clear geographical context it creates a powerful tool for water management on a macro scale.
The team from the Environment Agency’s National Water Quality Instrumentation Service (NWQIS) have been instrumental in setting up the system, deploying a network of 16 MCE-ESNET portable monitoring stations across the Levels within 48 hours. Each station gathers a wealth of information including Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonium, Turbidity, Conductivity and PH. Data is also gathered from existing Environment Agency Water Level Gauging stations with the permission of the local Hydrometry and Telemetry team. These stations give information on current water levels and also indicate pump run condition.
Hosted from the Meteor Data Centre multiple users can check the pumping operation via a secure web portal from any web enabled device to ensure that it is conducted with the least possible impact on the existing river network, with all pertinent data displayed on one intuitive user screen. Alarms are also in place to alert local teams via email and SMS, along with map status markers for instant analysis.