Medmerry Camera System
Meteor have provided a system of four remote cameras to the Medmerry Flood Defence scheme, along with a secure web portal for real time data monitoring. This is the UK’s largest ever coastal flood realignment programme, creating 183 hectares of Salt Marsh and protecting local communities from flood events. The existing sea wall has been breached and 7km of new sea wall created, with man made channels integrated into the earthworks.
The channels are fitted with trash screens and require regular monitoring to ensure correct water movement. This presented a challenge as the sites have no mains power or infrastructure, coupled with the fact that they are adjacent to public footpaths. A robust enclosure was developed for the site, incorporating a Meteor MCE-Nexus GPRS camera, battery pack and IR illuminator.
Each camera took less than 30 minutes to install, clamping to existing handrail features on site and were operational immediately. The integral battery pack ensures that the camera can run for two months with no maintenance required.
The cameras acquire an image automatically every 60 minutes and transmit this to a secure web portal, where the images can be viewed using any web enabled device. this allows flood defence officers to monitor the sites remotely in real time and proactively manage the infrastructure.
For further details about the Medmerry project the BBC have an excellent article here
Below are some pictures from the cameras on site: