The MCE-MRC 4G camera
The MCE-MRC 4G Remote Camera delivers high quality real time images from remote locations where data and mains power connections are not available. With ultra low power consumption, the camera can be powered from a small battery and solar panel all year round. Housed in an IP67 Polycarbonate enclosure the camera is designed for harsh outdoor environments.
The camera has excellent low light performance, producing high quality Colour images by day and optimised for use with IR illuminators for clear crisp black and white night vision. A selection of optics and filters can be specified to suit specific applications.
Images are transferred in real time via 4G, 3G or GPRS, providing robust image transfer even from areas of poor mobile coverage.Camera configuration and firmware updates can be performed remotely. Images are sent to the Meteor web hosting platform, or can be integrated directly into existing applications using ftp or email.
The camera GPIO allows direct connection of local sensors such as level switches, PIR etc. The camera can send pictures at regular, scheduled intervals and be setup to be triggered automatically to provide alert images via email and enter enhanced polling modes for high water levels / intrusion.
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