Meteor systems and services are delivered to high quality standards which are verified and checked by external auditors.
Meteors’ Quality Management Systems have been assessed to ISO9001 standards by BSI since 2013. In 2017 Meteor attained ISO 9001:2015 which assesses the company’s QMS against the following criteria: Continuous assessment and auditing of the QMS is undertaken by an independent external consultant as the system evolves and improves. For the latest ISO9001:2015 certificate please click here. Achilles UVDB is the UK Utility Industry pre-qualification system to enable buying organisations to ensure the highest standards of supply chain assurance. Achilles UVDB Verify is an independent audit of and organisations Safety, Health, Environment, Quality (SHEQ) management systems and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meteor achieved UVDB Verify accreditation in 2016 and have consistently scored highly in all assessment criteria. For the latest Achilles UVDB Verify certificate please click here.ISO 9001:2015
Achilles UVDB Verify
For the latest Achilles UVDB Certificate of Registration, please click here.