Process Monitoring Visualisation
A number of Meteor MCE-Nexus GPRS cameras have been deployed by Water Companies for intake protection and process monitoring. These give confirmation of events on site and verification of effective or failing processes within Water Treatment Works.
The cameras used are quick deployment units, fitted in minutes to existing handrails or structures on site. Power is provided by a small weatherproof battery pack and solar panel, enabling autonomous operation 24/7. Generally deployments last for a matter of days or weeks, for short term verification of issues or confirmation that measures have been effectively implemented. In the case of intake protection the camera provides instant warning of issues upstream of the works, and verification of readings provided by Water Quality instrumentation.
The cameras are pre configured ensuring that installation consists of powering and pointing the camera at the object of interest. Pictures are taken automatically every hour and can be acquired on demand via the web, email or SMS. No infrastructure is required on site as the cameras are completely self sufficient.
Water companies including Thames Water and Wessex Water have embraced the technology, making it an essential part of the monitoring toolkit.