Internet of Things (IoT) displays in the Meteor Data Centre
Continuing Meteor’s strategy of embracing Open Data for the benefit of its large and varied user community, external data and applications have been made available in the Meteor Data Centre user interface:
Open Government Hydrometry Data
Following the release of over 3,000 Water Level, Groundwater Level and Flow Station data sites under the Open Government Licence all of these sites are available to view and manipulate in the Meteor Data Centre.
Environment Agency 3 Day Flood Risk Forecast and Mapping
The Live Flood Warnings web site can be embedded for a particular post code or area along with the Flood Mapping Service display in order to give a comprehensive overview of flood history and risk.
Met. Office Weather Forecast
A five day weather forecast view showing cloud condition, temperature, wind speed/direction and UV levels along with national real time forecast maps of rainfall, pressure and temperature is available.
This development reflects the movement towards an Internet of Things (IoT) approach for application content that Meteor will continue to develop and expand for the benefit of end users as new data sources become available.