Environment Act 2021 – Water quality
The Environmental Act came into law in November 2021. Section 82 of the Environment Act 2021 requires sewerage undertakers to continuously monitor the quality of the receiving water upstream and downstream of their assets. This will allow sewerage undertakers to assess the impact of discharges from their assets on the receiving watercourse.
Environment monitoring
The Act “requires the Secretary of State to obtain and publish data for monitoring environmental improvement.” Progress is being monitored by the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), which was established in 2021 in order to hold government and other public bodies in England and Northern Ireland to account. The OEP is in charge of monitoring and reporting on how well the government is performing with regard to the environmental goals and targets set forth in the Act.
It should come as no surprise that areas with monitoring programmes have more evidence available, which aids in our understanding of the factors that affect water quality! More quickly than a random sample, continuous river monitoring can provide accurate pollution level information, enabling you to pinpoint the problem’s fundamental cause and take appropriate action. Continuous river water quality monitoring has become more practicable and economical because of advancements in technology.
Environmental monitoring solutions
Due to increased media attention and public concern regarding the ecological state of the UK’s rivers, water monitoring and performance reporting are more important than ever.
The Meteor Water Quality Monitoring Systems and Infrastructure Monitoring Systems provide real time, continuous river monitoring solutions that will supply water quality data for water quality reporting to help water companies stay within the terms of the Environment Act 2021.
We offer a Water Quality as a Service (WQaaS) model that gives you flexibility and control with no upfront capital costs.
Our modular systems and water quality kiosks will help you gather data from a wide variety of water sensors, enabling you to monitor a range of quality indicators including temperature, weather, conductivity, pH, ammonium, nitrate, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. Autosamplers provide a cost-effective solution to collecting phosphate and biological data during events as they can be placed in remote locations and triggered automatically via alarm or remotely by users.
Even in the most remote place, remote, high-resolution cameras will deliver high-quality real-time images. They are used to help monitor remote infrastructure, water levels, rainfall, and blockages, with images being uploaded to your cloud account via 3G.
Meteor’s monitoring methods have been developed over a number of years, building on our expertise working with the Environment Agency. This gives you the peace of mind that the monitoring data provided to the OEP under the Environment Act 2021 is accurate and fit for purpose.
Uses for Meteor WQaaS systems
- Assessing the ecological impact downstream of a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) ● Assessing the ecological impact downstream of a Sewage Treatment Works (STW) ● Event Duration Monitor impact
- Event Duration Monitor data integration
- Water Quality Data Integration
- Measuring/Monitoring Temperature
- Measuring/Monitoring Conductivity
- Measuring/Monitoring PH
- Measuring/Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen
- Measuring/Monitoring Ammonium
- Measuring/Monitoring Ammonia
- Measuring/Monitoring Total Ammonia
- Measuring/Monitoring Turbidity